Pull Toys, carved by wood carver Paul Reiber

Pull Toys

Pine and acrylic paint
12"–14" long

As the toy is pulled, an eccentric back wheel wobbles the animal

so that the mouth or beak opens and closes and clacks a bit.

Dragon Pull Toy, carved by wood carver Paul Reiber

Dragon Pull Toy

Pine and acrylic paint
11" x 24" x 4"

Head bobs as the body ripples up and down

Dragonfly Pull Toy, carved by wood carver Paul Reiber

Dragonfly Pull Toy

Pine, jeluetong, and zebrawood
7" x 16" x 18"

Wings flap, head rolls and tail waves up and down

Kids' Chairs, carved by wood carver Paul Reiber

Kids' Chairs

Pine and acrylic paint
27.5" x 7.625" x 13"

I respond to the coming of cool wet weather in the autumn by making toys and furniture for children. I especially like push toys that wobble or wiggle.

Carved Toys: Pull Toys, Dragon Pull Toy, Dragonfly Pull Toy, Kid’s Chairs, jeluetong, pine, zebrawood, acrylic paint. Heads wobble, beaks clack, wings flap, head rolls, tail waves up and down

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